Bruksbanen - The Shunting Puzzle with a "Scandinavian Theme"
Part Two: Bruksbanen Mk2 - 3 metre 'one piece'
with Roco DCC Control, and User Controlled Uncoupling
PAGES and DIAGRAMS UNDER CONSTRUCTION - please come back in a few days
Following the appearance of Bruksbanen Mk1, the 'Solent Modular' Idea
was created initially using doors as bases, but also with 'mini-modules' custom produced by Ray Harcourt - starting with a 180°
viaduct to allow us to run as a continuous loop.
To help create more '3D dynamic' scenery, track height was raised 50mm above the door, allowing lightweight XPS foam scenery beneath.
These form a separate story.
Time to Redesign
Maxus Transportation allowed a 3m length as a single piece.
Relaying across the entire length, on 50mm of XPS, allowed wiring to be in channels beneath the track, and a river bed below track level.

The front and rear tracks were extended to reach both ends of the board, so that Bruksbanen could form part of the Solent Modular Layout
This moved the engine shed forward, with its own siding, allowing the back-track to 'disappear' behind it, and add a level crossing.

The link between front and rear was shifted 300mm to the left, doubling the length of train which could transfer between the two.
Made optional, but always used since, was a rear siding to avoid using the diagonal link for the shunting. Lin was initally concerned that this
would reduce the available area for animals and other scenic additions, but it has worked well. 'Technically' a brake van could be left on
the shortened diagonal link if desired, and occasionally a loco has bee held there during a front-back swap-over.

RFid Detectors were placed in each track so that the position of wagons could be monitored, and possibly displayed, as the puzzle progressed.
This was going to be linked with point-position feedback, using the newly-announced Raspberry Pi Credit-Card sized computer,
but there were long delivery delays, and the layout continued to use a PIC to run only the platform displays.
The visiting user was provided with a recessed panel of push buttons for their points and the uncouplers.
They were electrically interlocked
with both the opposite direction, and 'our' rear-panel set of buttons (with 'us' having priority, in case of hyperactive users).

A disadvantage, because only 10 wires linked the panels, was that we had no control of the uncouplers from the rear ...
to do the puzzle the operator had to be in front.

At early shows, the closest point, by the large station display panel, could be linked to the ground frame placed there...
so the lever moved with the point.
Provision was made for Level Crossing Lights and barriers, and street lighting, but not used to date.
The engine shed and station were lit at times.

SLOW MOTION POINT MOTORS were introduced to ALL points - taking several seconds to complete the move,
and causing users to have a period to think.
Fulgarex motors were used for the points, and Lemanco to motorise the Uncouplers, with an automatic return to the down position.
These were available because Phil had bought a batch to install on the Loft Layout (00), but changed to using Roco track
with integral point motors. The mechancical movement matched that needed for the point blades,
and they were directly attached beneath each point.
The layout would be up and running at a show wthin 20 minutes of arrival- and then Lin would spend the
remaining time until opening adding animals etc.
The points changed with a characteristic loud grinding noise.
They also provided the opportuity to have 'feedback' of the point position, so that it could (eventually)
be included on the Electronic OLED Platform displays
The down side of their use (as mainly experienced when used on the later Malmsbanen 4-door layout)
was both the long time needed to change the point direction, and the inability to either change a point
'manually' as some were used to, or 'run through' when it was set the wrong way.
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(Copyright Phil and Lin Spiegelhalter 2000-2016)